There are a thousand reasons not to be stylish, and I’ve probably used each and every one of them. It’s too hot. It’s too cold. I’m sick. My child is sick. It’s raining. I’m just going to the grocery store. These are the days when I leave the house in my fleece pants and hoodie in the winter, and my running shorts and tank top in the summer. But truth be told, the main reason behind most of these excuses is just that I’m too tired or lazy to change my clothes, and I’m comfortable in what I’m wearing. But are these valid reasons? Why should be bother to be stylish, even if it’s just to run an errand? After thinking about this long and hard, here are my top reasons to consider your personal style before walking out the door- every day.

.       It can change the way you perceive yourself. This is by far the best reason for changing out of those sweats. Showing your style can boost self-esteem and make you feel more pulled together instantly. I’m not saying you have to run errands in sky-high heels and sequins, but even a dark wash jean with ballet flats can elevate your style. When you look good, you feel good!

2.       It can change the way others perceive you. Sure, this might seem like a superficial reason. After all, why should we care about what others’ think of us, right? Well, truth be told, I DO care about what others think about me when it comes to the way I dress. At work, I want to be seen as a professional yet stylish person.

3.       It sends a message that you care about yourself. Again, I’m not saying that if you wear sweatpants you don’t care about yourself; however, the effort we put into ourselves does show. I think women especially have a tendency to put ourselves last, and that can include our looks. But taking a few extra minutes to sport a style instead of yesterday’s sweatshirt can absolutely indicate you are a priority.

4.       It gives you a chance to be creative. I love very specific types of jewelry, and I feel these pieces say a lot about my style. For example, I’ve become known for wearing chunky rings. I feel more like “myself” when I’m wearing a statement piece that shows I took the time to coordinate my look. While accessories are a great way to show your style, there are other ways creativity can be shown, such as a special shoe or a skirt with a specific detail.

5.       Compliments feel great. When you make an effort to be stylish, people notice! In my opinion, that’s at least half the point of having style. While I don’t run around fishing for compliments, they sure do feel good and help boost my self-esteem. I also try to compliment others, even strangers, when I like what they’re wearing because I’m sure that they would appreciate it.